Yoga pose that massages the liver and helps eliminate toxins

Yoga pose that massages the liver and helps eliminate toxins
Yoga poses that involve twisting the spine help unblock and purify the liver, which contributes to eliminating toxins.
Yoga pose that massages the liver and helps eliminate toxins

Yoga can help in the process of cleansing and body renewal with some postures or asanas that create a pressure on the stomach, small intestine and large intestine and help in this way to eliminate toxins and relieve inflammations. What yoga postures have the ability to massage the organs involved in this process of body renewal? In general, they agree:

  • Inverted postures (such as Sirsasana, balancing on the head).
  • Torsions and forward bends, which reposition the digestive organs.
  • Postures that involve a twisting of the spine help unblock and purify the liver and gallbladder because they perform an internal massage to the abdominal organs and mobilize the diaphragm.

This is the case of Ardha Matsyendrasana (a yoga posture that involves half twisting in a sitting position, as in the photo) or Jathara Parivartanasana (this other posture involves a twist lying on your back on the floor with your arms crossed and your legs bent to one side).

These twists also gently massage the lower back, because the important thing is to try to make the spinal torsion start from the coccyx and drag the lower abdomen. As a result of the pressure, the liver contracts and thus tones, and the intestines move. By activating all this machinery, the body initiates its own internal cleansing process.

On the other hand, maintaining these postures by breathing deeply is very beneficial for digestion. In addition, as with all yoga postures, these also allow us to relax. You can even breathe imagining that you bring air, consciousness or energy to each organ. By focusing on the sensations that arise naturally, you learn to listen, wait and get to know each other. Care must always be taken not to overtensen the muscles.

If you want to get started in the practice of Yoga, easily and safely, start with the most complete online course for beginners of Escuela Cuerpomente, Initiation to Yoga with Eva Roca.


This yoga exercise will especially help you massage the liver. If you have doubts regarding how to perform the movement, we advise you to consult with a professional. To begin with, you just need to look for a quiet and noise-free place. Follow these steps:

  1. Bend your right leg by bringing your heel to your left hip. Pass your left leg over it and place your foot next to your right knee.
  2. With your right arm, hug your left knee and place your left arm behind your back.
  3. Gently turn the trunk to the left, from the lower back to the neck, to perform a small massage to the abdominal organs.
  4. Stay like this for about 20 seconds, undo the posture and repeat it on the other side.


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